HackersRange redefining training
HackersEye`s answer to the rising demand for a new affective, practical & interesting training platform.
Users will:
Experience training in highly complex, real-world environments.
Practice Hands-on Cutting-edge Cyber Security Offensive & Defensive Scenarios.
Gain Knowledge & Skills in an immersive Gamified Simulator.
Accelerate the process of gaining experience by increasing exposure to incidents & challenges.
The Simulator Consists of:
Designed to simulate, enterprises, infrastructure, governments, SMB`s etc.
Built with the most recent weaknesses, exploits and custom made applications. Each Offensive & Defensive scenario is designed by specialists to give the user a real-world experience.
Designed to immerse the user in the challenge ahead and offer guidance along the path of this hands-on experience.
Designed to give the Business/Admin control, monitoring & editing abilities to perform adjustments, assessments & analysis for users in the platform.
Who Uses the Simulator?
Critical infrastructure, Corporations, SMB`s etc.
Colleges, Universities, Private Schools, Online Academies.
Militaries, Law enforcements, Municipalities, Ministries etc.
What do they use the simulator for?
Training – Practice your teams in our hands-on challenges to achieve a higher security posture and enhance cyber resilience.
Education – Teach your users new skills, professions, tools, methodologies etc. in our Courses & guided challenges.
Recruitment – Build your own recruitment challenge, automate your on boarding processes, Create your own CTF`s etc.
What Our Users Say About Us
Platform Technology & Support
Plug& play, virtually accessible anytime, anywhere.
All popular vendor’s tools, software, etc.